Monday, September 14, 2009

in-group activities reflections

Hye everyone..

For in class activities, i’m in a same group with NUR LIYANA BINTI ZAKARIA..We’re using Dreamweaver MX 2004 for this assignment..Although there are a different version that we're using in the class, but it's not a problem if we're follow the step in a yellow handout given by Prof Zaida..

Step for this activity:

1.Setup a new site with a name ingroup

2.Create a Database file in Access. Name it as data.mdb.

3.Save the database file in a new folder named data in this path c:/inetpub/wwwroot/data

4.Create the following fields in the table. The fields are:

i) surname ii)username iii)password iv)remarks

Look at the figure below for more details.

5.Setup the connection in Dreamweaver. Create new by choosing ASP VBScript. Click Plus (+) on database panel and select Custom Connection String. Fill up the Custom Connection String dialog box as follows:

Connection name : dmx

Connection string : "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ="& Server.MapPath("/data/data.mdb")

Dreamweaver should connect: using driver on testing server.

Click Test to connect to the database.

6.Create a new page in Dreamweaver to setup the Registration Page form. Save the registration page form as contact.asp.

7. The next important step is to writing a data into a database using the Insert Record. In the Insert Record dialog box, select the item as follows :

Connection : dmx

Insert into table: Table1

For the Form elements, make sure the text fields in MS Access is relate with the text fields in the Dreamweaver.

8.For reading/viewing a data from database, create a new ASP VBScript and name it as view1.asp. the figure below is the layout for the registration database.

9. Activate Bindings tab. Clisk Plus (+) button on the panael and select RecordSet (Query). Drag the recordset in a correct column to the table that we have create in view1.asp.

10. Highlight the table and click the Plus (+) button on the Server Behavior panel. Select Repeat Region.

11. Open back your contact.asp file. Double click Insert Record behavior in Server Behavior window and add view1.asp in After inserting,go to then click ok.

12. Click at Preview in Browser icon. The contact.asp file will be displayed as shown below. Type any data and click Save button.

13.Automatically, the view1.asp file will be displayed and the data that we're typing will be viewed.

During this in group activities, we faced problem to view the view1.asp file which is Registration Database after key in the data in contact.asp. To overcome the problem, we follow the guideline given by the Prof Zaida in the green handout.

Finally, this project is complete successfully..yeay! v(^_^)v